Hydro One and Lakeland Power have been working diligently at getting power back up, but there are still many customers without power.
In Parry Sound there are a few pockets of customers without power, but most areas have been restored since last night.
For customers who are still out fix times range anywhere from 4:00p.m. to about 10:00p.m. tonight.
Lakeland Power reported that the M2 feeder supplying power to Burks Falls, Sundridge and Magnetawan would remain off until later in the day Saturday.
In that area there are still nearly 7,000 people without power today.
There are also pockets of customers around Muskoka still waiting for power as well.
Many of the outages are projected to be fixed by about noon today, or 10 p.m. tonight, depending on the area.
Hydro One estimated about 54,000 people would remain without power overnight Friday.