Legendary Price is Right TV show host Bob Barker is throwing his support behind cancelling the Ontario government’s spring bear hunt pilot project. Barker spoke with the Moose and calls the hunt ridiculous…
[sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://moosefm.com/cklps/news/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/barkerhunt1.mp3″]
Barker is demanding the province stop the hunt saying it’s the cubs that suffer most when their mothers are killed. He even has advice for hunters who might be sitting on the fence…
[sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://moosefm.com/cklps/news/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/barkerhunt2.mp3″]
He and Zoocheck Canada are calling on the Wynne government to stop the hunt. Meanwhile, the Ontario Federation of Angler’s and Hunters is asking for support of the spring bear hunt. In a press release OFAH says big city animal rights extremist’s trumped science fifteen years ago when the province axed it. OFAH says the partial reintroduction of the spring hunt is a positive step. Ontario’s Minister of Natural Resources disagreed with Barker’s claims saying the pilot project in Northern Ontario will help prove whether a controlled hunt will shrink the number of calls to police for nuisance bears and solve what he calls a “public safety issue”.