Local Green Party candidate Matt Richter has several ideas about how to create jobs if he’s elected. He recently spoke with the Moose about issues concerning constituents in the lead up to the June 12th Provincial election.
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This would allow business owners to afford to hire more people without the employer health tax kicking in at $500,000 worth of employee payroll. The Greens want the limit raised to $900,000. Richter adds that each successful business needs a longtime strategy to meet their energy needs. To get safe and affordable power to them, the Greens want to tap into power from Quebec. Overnight, Richter says we can bring electricity through available grid lines from Hydro Quebec to Ontario, which would be cost effective and help business owners afford to hire more people. Richter also tells the Moose education in the province is at a crossroads and needs adequate funding to meet the needs of our students….
[sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://moosefm.com/cfbgs/news/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/richtereducation.mp3″]
Richter says by merging the two school boards it would result in a savings of $1.5 billion annually, which could then be redirected to help special needs students and resources for all – as well as ensuring we have specialty teachers. Richter is also weighing in on the Accommodation Review Committee process for Burk’s Falls area schools. He says the committee review process has been shown to be in need of a complete overhaul…
[sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://moosefm.com/cfbgs/news/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/richterarc.mp3″]
Richter says the process is broken with no consistent clear mandates on when it’s necessary to close a school. If elected, the Greens would initiate a moratorium on the process until clear guidelines can be set. Richter says this would allow local families to know in advance what would be needed to even establish an ARC. Richter says the situation revolves around a school at 60 percent capacity that’s being threatened with closure, but across the province there are other schools with well under 30 percent capacity that aren’t being threatened. He says this shows how broken the system is.