There was unanimous approval to change zoning by-laws in the latest town council meeting.
Acorn Ridge Properties Inc. has been approved to build 160 condo units on the eight-acre parcel of land on Louisa Street.
Although the by-law change has been approved, the developer is required to prepare a pre-development report before obtaining building permits.
According to Taylor Elgie, Manager of Building and Planning Services for the town, the pre-development agreement should detail how Louisa St. will be improved with sidewalks and fixing the curving roadbed, as well as how the land will be serviced for adequate water and sewer service.
“It is a shift. Anytime you go from a vacant eight-acre parcel of land to that same parcel being occupied by five buildings which are four stories each with a total of 160 units, that will change the neighbourhood. Staff interpretation of the policy and council agreed that it’s within the context of the vision of the official plan. It’s a change but it’s not out of line with what the vision is for the community,” said Elgie.
The by-law was approved but Elgie confirmed that construction is not allowed to happen until all the offsite issues are fixed, or going to be fixed through the agreement.
Elise and Louis Rensonnet own two properties on Louisa St. They attended Tuesday’s meeting and have strong feelings against the type and density of the development itself. She says there was originally 74 units slated to be built behind her property, but the development plan has nearly doubled. Rensonnet says she is not happy that the development stretches the flexibility of the vacant land in favour of the builder.
The couple says they gathered nearly 20 signatures to present to the town council of neighbours who were against the magnitude of this development.
Co-owner of Acorn Ridge Properties, Greg Goodale said that the average price for a two-bedroom condo apartment could be priced at an average of $325,000 over the course of the phased development project.