Survivors of the Sixties Scoop may now be eligible for compensation.
Status Indians and Inuit can now apply for compensation and work can begin to bring about healing, recognition, understanding and commemoration of the Sixties Scoop.
The overall amount for individual compensation is based on an estimated individual payment of $25,000 per person. The exact amount, which will not exceed $50,000 per person, will depend on the number of validated claims.
The settlement also provides an investment of $50 million for the establishment of an independent, charitable Foundation open to all Indigenous peoples to support healing, wellness, education, language, culture and commemoration. The Sixties Scoop Healing Foundation has been incorporated and received charitable status to position it to begin its important work without delay.
In the coming months, under the guidance of a Development Board, the Foundation will begin a process to reach those impacted by the Sixties Scoop. This will enable survivors, their families and communities to be involved in determining the governance of the Foundation and the nature of its work within the broad mandate created by the settlement.
The Federal government says it supports the directive of the Foundation to bring about healing, recognition, understanding and commemoration of the Sixties Scoop to ensure its legacy is not forgotten. Once established, the services of the Foundation will be available to all Indigenous people impacted by the Sixties Scoop and their families.
The Government says it is committed to resolving outstanding claims with other Indigenous people affected by the Sixties Scoop, including Métis and non-status Indians.
Applicants must submit their claim by August 30, 2019. Further information about the process can be found here.