Are you a college or university student who wants to make a difference in Northern Ontario?
Northern Policy Institute is an independent think tank that conducts research on northern communities. It’s looking for students to join its team this summer.
As part of the project, there are two positions available in Parry Sound. They’re in communications and events and graphic design. They’ll be at Canadore College.
Experience North is the institute’s summer placement program and has been offered for the last six years. The program is designed to give post-secondary students hands-on work experience to learn about the cut and thrust of public policy debate while inputting student perspective and fresh ideas on how to support the growth of sustainable northern communities.
The 16-week placements will run from May 6th to August 23rd of 2019. Students are offered $16-$18 in compensation and will work full-time hours over the summer. Only candidates who are currently studying at a post-secondary level and intend to return to school in the fall of 2019 are eligible to apply.
The institute says some perks of the job include hands-on experience and mentorship, and one week of travel to other Northern Ontario communities during staff week.
Applications are due no later than Monday, January 31st. For more information on each position and how to apply, visit The Northern Policy Institute here.