Mayor Jamie McGarvey says residents can expect town council to focus on jobs and housing in 2019.
McGarvey said that this year, approval for development has begun for nearly 20 housing lots to be built at Dennis Drive and Macklaim Drive. While the town may have noticed road work and service development at that site, we could see buildings coming up in the coming year. McGarvey says he is open to working with developers to improve the housing shortage in the area.
“There are a number of businesses looking for employees and there are some good paying jobs out there that businesses can’t fill because we don’t have enough people here to fill those positions, ” McGarvey said.
The mayor said that he keeps track of market and labour trends for the district and says that attracting people to live in the area is one of the council’s main priorities.
“Everyone that wants to work here is working, so we need to face that challenge and start looking at accommodations. That’s right across the sector whether it’s affordable housing, mid-range or condominiums, I think we’ll see more condominium development. About a month and a half ago there were six units left at the third phase of Granite Harbour, so that’s good news that they can start building into the next,” he said.
McGarvey added that the town’s economic officer is reaching out and pulling in businesses who are interested in purchasing existing operations in town and either improving or expanding them to offer employment opportunities.
He also noted a continued development relationship with the Carling Business Park and the airport in Seguin to offer employment opportunities.
Ageing infrastructure is also a priority for the coming year.
“Waubeek Street is the next phase of prospects that have been done. There should be a second coat of asphalt in the spring and then Waubeek street will continue to be done as part of our upgrade to the ageing infrastructure. Tudhope and Isabella Streets area, part of that was done and the rest of it should be done by spring or summer. Certainly, sidewalks in that particular area are a priority for student safety while walking to school, ” the mayor added.
McGarvey said that he has heard a number of requests from residents about a pool or a wellness centre that could be considered in the coming months.
“Just about every municipality has heard from the ratepayer. They would like to see something like this in the area. I certainly applaud the cooperation that everyone has shown towards this. Carling and ourselves have looked at a piece of property and we’re trying to make this fit within the infrastructure so that we can capitalize on location and accessibility to infrastructure. We’ll be getting together in the new year and hopefully, we can proceed with putting a plan together,” he said.
“That is the number one ask from doctors that would relocate here and business professionals among others that would like to stay here, want a facility like that. That brings more people to our area and provides that opportunity for families and individuals to support a healthy lifestyle,” he noted.
The mayor mentioned that a piece of property has been purchased in Carling for a wellness centre, though its accessibility, infrastructure and suitability have yet to be determined. That will be assessed in the coming year when the committee meets.
The mayor said that he wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and hopes the very best for the community for 2019. The mayor also mentioned that everyone is welcome to the New Years’ Levee on Sunday, January 6th from noon to 2:00pm at the Bobby Orr Community Centre.