The Labour Market Group’s most recent report presents some promising statistics for working youth in the district.
Parry Sound saw a stable number of 99 job postings which has not changed since November. The number of job vacancies also remained stable at 27 per cent in health care and social assistance. The report says that too many students are pursuing degrees that experience low employment rates, and too few are pursuing degrees in programs with high employment rates.
Top three degrees pursued by students are business and administration, social and behavioural sciences, and arts and humanities. The top three programs in demand are mathematics and computer sciences, agriculture, natural resources and conservation and social and behavioural sciences and law.
Canadian millennials were reported to demonstrate the most interest in management and professional roles, occupations that are low risk for automation.
Canada’s labour force is becoming more educated where the share of the labour force with a university degree climbed from 18.1 per cent in 2005 to 23.8 per cent in 2015.
The top three skilled trades that youth tend to gravitate to are blueprints, welding and machinery.