The Henvey Inlet Wind Project is making progress.
Despite the cold temperatures, the permanent met tower installations are complete as well as foundation work at the south substation. Foundation for the turbines is almost complete where 30 of 87 wind turbines have already been installed.
The project will continue with the delivery and installation of turbines and parts. Work at the north and south substation will also continue. Currently, 381 of the 586 structures are up and stringing is complete in six sections along Highway 69.
The access roads are almost complete as well.
Work at the entrances to the access roads and stringing will continue. Pole setting and pole framing continue along Highway 69 through the Township of the Archipelago and Still River off McDougall and Kirkham Roads, and south of Highway 124 in the Municipality of McDougall.
Construction activity at the switching station located at Otter Lake is well underway with the enclosure building in place and the majority of switches and equipment now set.
To see the full project area, visit The Henvey Inlet Wind Project Site Map. Â