TORONTO, ON – A recent blog-post by Ontario Parks is asking some tough questions of its guests.
It is asking visitors to the Ontario provincial park system to act a bit more thoughtfully when it comes to dealing with garbage after a weekend of camping. Whether it is at Killbear Park near Parry Sound, Arrowhead, north of Huntsville or Kawartha Highlands south of Haliburton, piles of garbage are becoming a problem in the parks system.
A stark statement at the top of the online post states, “Our parks are not a landfill”.
Apparently, the sheer amount of garbage being left by guests is becoming unmanageable at times.
“We are finding tents, barbecues, tarps, and shelters,” the post stated.
“These are big items, and they add up fast.”
The article goes on to conclude that day guests tend to leave even more garbage behind than a regular camper staying for multiple days.
“Visitors who come for just the day may leave even more behind, as they bring everything for a disposable family barbecue, like disposable cups, plates, cutlery, tablecloths, and all of the wrapping and containers,” said the blog-post.
Park authorities are asking guests to take refuse with them if possible.
“Consider taking items home. Some parks are not able to offer all of the types of recycling or compost, so think about taking it home with you so you are able to get it to the right spot,” suggested the article.
Items that are being recycled should be sorted to determine which category it belongs to. It is also important to note that disposable coffee cups from the major restaurant chains are not recyclable material and should be thrown out.
Finally, it asks guests to pick up any garbage they see and dispose of it properly and to make, “every day Earth Day.”