Swift River Energy Ltd says it continues to work with the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) on how best to proceed with on site work at Bala Falls. Last week it was revealed the company did not yet have have a signed land lease for the Crown lands at the Bala North Falls where they propose to build a controversial power plant. The following update from Swift River has been provided to Moose FM by Swift River’s Bala Project Manager Karen McGhee: “Swift River is working with the land owner MNR, on how best to proceed with the on-site work. Given the sensitivities around this situation, we are not at liberty to provide any further detail, other than to say Swift River is proceeding with its preparations to get shovels in the ground at the site as soon as possible.” Today is October 20th, the date that had been widely touted as when work might start at the site, prior to last week’s news.