PARRY SOUND, ON- The French school in Parry Sound may be closed on Monday.
The closure is due to the planned general strike by CUPE employees across Ontario school systems.
At the Conseil scolaire public du Nord-Est de l’Ontario (CSPNE), this strike affects the following staff:
• Speech and language therapists
• Library technicians
• Janitors
• Early childhood educators
• School adaptation workers
• Cleaners
• School secretaries
• IT technicians
• Social work technicians
• Social workers
Given the scope of the strike, the French board says it will be impossible to ensure the safety and well-being of students. They say they have no choice but to close some schools until the situation is resolved.
The following schools may close.
• ÉP de la région de Parry Sound, Parry Sound
• ÉP Héritage, North Bay
• ÉSP Odyssée, North Bay
• ÉP Jeunesse Active, Sturgeon Falls
• ÉSP Nipissing Ouest, Sturgeon Falls
• ÉP des Navigateurs, New Liskeard
• ÉP Lionel-Gauthier, Timmins
• ÉP Renaissance, Timmins
• ÉP Étoile du Nord, Iroquois Falls
• ÉP Le Cœur du Nord, Kapuskasing
• ÉSP Écho du Nord, Kapuskasing
• ÉP Passeport Jeunesse, Hearst
In other schools, educational programming is maintained.
Students in the mentioned schools will not be able to attend school as of Monday if the strike goes ahead.
CSPNE and school employees are still required to report for work if the schools close.