UPDATE: Rotary Club members will be at Sobeys on Friday (March 20th) from 07:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. (coincides with Seniors’ shopping hours) to assist / register anyone interested in taking part.
The Rotary Club of West Parry Sound and Sobeys are teaming together to ensure that shut-ins have access to food. As well they will deliver to anyone who has returned to Canada and is self-isolating. They are also offering curb-side pickup at Sobeys for anyone self-isolating that owns a car and can pickup their order at the store.
The process starts with those needing the service registering with Sobeys with their delivery information and payment method. Sobeys will then set up an account and those needing simply send their order in by email, fax or by phone at 705-746-7511
Sobeys will keep all financial and other information confidential.
Orders placed by noon (Monday to Thursday) would be filled by volunteers from the community, bagged up and delivered the next day by taxi and hopefully in the future by volunteers.
Sobeys will collect the monies for the groceries and a $10 delivery fee, however if the person is unable to cover the delivery fee Rotary will cover the cost through donations.
Local Rotarians will be coordinating volunteers, taxis and calling shut-ins that don’t have access to email or fax.
Rotary will be fundraising for this effort and as well the Rotary Club is stepping up to fund raise for our local food banks as usage of food banks is expected to rise as the COVID-19 pandemic continues.
There is a need for volunteers (20-30 years of age) and those who would like to help by volunteering can email rotaryclubofparrysound@gmail.com
Sobeys email address is sby4752parrysound@sobeys.com
To donate to support the Rotary Club’s efforts to help shut-ins and our local food banks follow this link donations
If you need more information go to the West Parry Sound Rotary Club’s website Rotary Site