A restricted fire zone is in place for the entire Parry Sound District.
All burning, including campfires for cooking and warmth, is strictly prohibited.
An individual caught burning will be given a fine ranging from $250 – $500 per offence and may be charged additional service fees by their Municipality.
Additionally, fines and fees could be charged by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF).
The West Parry Sound fire departments say they have responded to more than ten out of control burns this past week, several of which required assistance from the MNRF.
While these fires were brought under control, they caused a loss of forestation and could have caused greater damage to buildings and possessions.
Officials note that in addition to the loss of forestation, these fires caused unnecessary congregation of the first responders.
A large fire has the potential to bring a significant number of responders, sometimes from various fire departments, within close contact of each other.
Currently, having fires puts our community at a greater risk for spreading COVID-19.
If you see someone burning during the restricted fire zone, contact your local municipality directly.
For out of control or forest fires in Carling, McDougall, McKellar, Seguin, Whitestone, or Parry Sound, call 911.
For forest fires in the Township of Archipelago, call MNRF at 310-FIRE (310-3473) immediately.