Canadian Pacific (CP) is hosting a virtual concert once again to highlight the ongoing need for food banks both across the country and locally.
Since its inception in 1999, the CP Holiday Train has raised $19.4 million and collected 4.9 million pounds of food for community food banks along CP’s network. CP will again donate to all food banks that would ordinarily benefit from a Holiday Train stop, including those that typically receive the train in alternating years.
“The spirit of the Holiday Train is about giving generously and inspiring those around us to give as well,” said Keith Creel, CP President and Chief Executive Officer. “While we are disappointed we again cannot bring the Holiday Train to communities, we are honored to run a virtual program and continue to support communities and food banks across our network as they work to address food insecurity in North America.”
Live music has always been part of the CP Holiday Train tradition. To maintain that tradition, CP will produce a virtual benefit concert, with details to be announced in the weeks ahead.
“Throughout the pandemic, the need for emergency food support has grown tremendously, and we are grateful to be one of the charities benefiting from the CP Holiday Train this year,” said Vince Barletta, Harvest Manitoba CEO. “CP’s Holiday Train shines a light on food insecurity in communities like ours, and the funds raised help us ensure that no Manitoban goes hungry throughout the holiday season and beyond.”