Nipissing University is reverting to Phase 1 of its Return to Campus Framework.
This after the province announced a modified Step Two of its Roadmap to Reopen effective Wednesday, Jan. 5.
Winter term classes at Nipissing will begin online on Jan. 10.
The post-secondary school also says courses that were scheduled to return to in-person learning on Jan. 24 will now be delivered online until the end of the month.
“We intend for this shift to online learning to be a temporary measure and hope to return to offering both in-person and online options for the remainder of the Winter Term as planned,” reads an update on the University website.
Nipissing says this phase will remain in effect until at least Jan. 26 and is subject to trends in public health and health system indicators.
Canadore College also has a modified plan to reopen for the winter semester.
Classes begin January 10th with theory instruction being delivered remotely until at least February 4th.
The college says all practical ‘ hands-on’ instruction will be delivered on campus, as scheduled, with in-person attendance required.