Huntsville’s mayor has met with Almaguin leaders to discuss the issue of single-siting surgical services to Bracebridge. It’s one of several options Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare is considering in order to balance the budget. On Monday, Mayor Scott Aitchison spoke with northern mayors and reeves in Partner’s Hall. He shared a resolution council passed at the last regular meeting asking Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare remove single-siting surgical services from consideration. Aitchison says the option not only hurts Huntsville residents, but residents in Almaguin.
Aitchison says the impact of this decision is beyond just the borders of Huntsville, and will have an effect on many generations to come.
Aitchison says he felt it was important to keep Almaguin leaders in the loop on why the Town of Huntsville is raising the alarm on this issue.
Aitchison gave copies of the petition in the hopes Almaguin residents will sign. He also gave copies of the resolution to encourage northern leaders to pass a similar resolution within their own councils.