With hunting season for most small game already underway and deer hunting starting in just a few days, the Ontario Provincial Police is warning residents about safety.
Provincial Const. Joel Devenish says deer hunting season runs from Nov. 6 to 19. He adds the season for most small game, including duck, has already started.
With that in mind, he says some may hear hunters in the bush or doing other activities like target and skeet shooting. Devenish says to not be alarmed, so long as this “is done in a safe manner.”
He suggests anyone enjoying nature to be aware it is hunting season. Devenish suggests wearing something to make yourself visible, like a bright orange jacket or hat. Also, he says if taking your dog on a walk, it’s recommended to put something bright on them or attach a bell to their collar.
Devenish notes some may encounter hunting dogs. While it may seem to be lost or in distress, he says it could be making its way back to its owner. If someone is concerned, they should check the hound’s collar to see if it has information about who the owner is or call the nearest dog pound.
“It’s important everyone remains safe when participating in their respective activity,” says Devenish.