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HomeNewsSummer snack program to be offered in West Parry Sound 

Summer snack program to be offered in West Parry Sound 

A summer snack program is launching in West Parry Sound, to combat rising food insecurity in the region. 

Local resident Krista Holmes said she decided to start the program after seeing first-hand the number of students who rely on other food programs offered throughout the school year. 

“After years’ worth of working in the school system, I know that things are only getting harder for some families to provide healthy food for their kids,” said Holmes. “I have seen firsthand how there are many students that rely on the snack basket items that are available to the schools, and I knew that I had to do something.” 

She is working to secure donations to help fill the snack bags and expand the program to meet the community’s needs. 

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This summer the program will start by offering four snack bags, with two pickup dates in July and two in August. 

Information on how to donate, or register for a snack bag can be found here.

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