Matt Richter will once again represent the Green Party for Parry Sound-Muskoka in the next provincial election.
His nomination was officially announced on Saturday afternoon in Katrine at the local party’s annual general meeting.
“I’m excited to keep fighting for more affordable homes, better healthcare and protections for the people and places we love,” said Richter in a media release. “Doug Ford’s Conservatives have taken rural communities like ours for granted, and it’s time for that to change.”
Richter finished second to Conservative candidate Graydon Smith in the 2022 election, garnering 41 per cent of the vote.
“Matt’s energy and drive will get more done for the people of Parry Sound–Muskoka, and I’m delighted to have him back on board,” said Ontario Greens Leader Mike Schreiner. “Aislinn [Clancy’s] recent landslide win in Kitchener Centre shows that Green momentum is growing. Matt has been integral to building that momentum in Parry Sound–Muskoka.”
The next Ontario election is slated for June of 2026, however Premier Doug Ford has not ruled out calling one before then.