McKellar Town Council will address the pool complex/recreation centre issue once again.
Council will hear a deputation from the Ad Hoc Wellness and Pool Recreation Committee at its next meeting on February 5th.
At its last meeting, Council voted down a request by the committee that would have placed a question on its 2018 municipal ballot regarding the pool.
McKellar Reeve Peter Hopkins says council felt there were too many issues to be considered at the time and rejected the committee’s request.
Reeve Hopkins says council will listen to the pool committee’s deputation and will decide whether to move forward by appointing a member of council to sit on the committee.
The Ad Hoc Wellness and Pool Recreation Committee hopes to investigate and determine the feasibility of a pool complex in the Parry Sound Area.
The committee has sent a request for deputation to all seven area municipalities.
Town council meets next at 6:30 pm on Monday, February 5th at 701 Hwy #124 in the Village of McKellar.