Esprit Women’s Shelter wants to remind women in our community that they are there.
The shelter is designed to assist women fleeing violence and abuse. They also offer housing assistance for women, safety planning, informal counselling, housing support, support for children who witness violence and transitional support after recipients leave.
The 10-bed facility offers safety services for abused women and their children fleeing violence and women who are homeless, though often, those situations go hand-in-hand.
As the colder months approach, Supervisor of the Esprit Women’s Shelter, Taliah Holm, says that the shelter is busier now that it has been in the summer months.
“A lot of women come in reporting being homeless, though after we get to know their situation and do some informal counselling with them, we realise that they have a violent history or a history of abuse in their lives,” Holm said.
The Ministry of Children, Community and Social Service, and municipalities provide limited funding, Esprit Place says that they struggle with costs associated to transportation when getting women to appointments in a town that does not have a bus service. The shelter is always in need of clothing and hygiene supplies for women and children. Donations also help women with dental and medical needs.
If you wish to donate money, gift cards, baby supplies or clothing, you may do so directly at the shelter or by mail.