Central Region OPP has a few tips to make sure it’s a happy Halloween for everyone.
For youth, police say to start trick-or-treating before it gets dark, avoid eating anything before it’s checked at home, never enter a stranger’s car or home, and only visit well-lit buildings.
Trick or treaters should also consider light-coloured costumes or add reflective material to dark ones, wear a fitting costume to prevent tripping, and use face paint instead of a mask for better visibility. Police add to bring phones for emergencies, never go alone, and dress for the weather.
As always, look both ways before crossing the street, only cross at crosswalks or street corners, and walk on sidewalks or the side of the street facing traffic.
For adults, officials say young children should always be accompanied, and parents should designate a route and curfew time for unaccompanied kids. Homeowners should keep outdoor lights on and make sure they work, as well as remove tripping hazards. Police also say to keep an eye on lit candles in pumpkins, or use electric lights instead.
The OPP adds that drivers should slow down and drive carefully in areas where kids may be trick-or-treating, take care when you enter and exit driveways, and drive sober.
Suspicious activity can be reported to the OPP at 1-888-310-1122.