With fire season officially underway, the Seguin Fire Department is recruiting.
According Sean Carroll, fire chief for Seguin Township, the service is looking for students aged 15-to-17-year-old to join their ranks as junior firefighters.
Carroll said the students are hired part-time to participate in fire training and support volunteer firefighters in a limited role during fire calls.
“We limit their response to calls in order to not expose them to any situations that may not sit well with them,” said Carroll.
The junior firefighters do participate fully in training, which allows them to experience the uniqueness of the job.
“It is a different job. It is something they take pride in,” said Carroll. “They get to go back and tell all of their friends about the cool stuff they get to do, like using auto extrication equipment on vehicles and…participate in live fire training in a controlled environment.”
He hopes that by giving students a taste of what the job is like, they’ll volunteer for the fire service once they turn 18-years-old.
Information on the program, and how to apply can be found seguin.ca.